Rich and moist chocolate cupcakes paired with delicious, silky Earl Grey buttercream frosting and drizzled with homemade Earl Grey sugar syrup.
My love for tea has begun a couple of years ago. I first started drinking green tea instead of coffee, mainly for health reasons. I couldn't imagine drinking tea without honey, I thought it would be too bland and at first, it was a little weird. Those 'healthy' teas were certainly lacking some flavour.
But that fact only led me to explore the magic world of tea. What an aromatic and beautiful world that is! I was surprised at how much I loved aromatic, spicy black tea. With a little splash of milk, it totally makes me feel like a classy English lady - and I embrace that feeling haha.
Earl Grey tea has quickly become one of my favourites. I couldn't resist its gorgeous citrusy, bergamot aroma - I fell in love in an instant. Naturally, I had to find a way to incorporate that wonderful flavour into my desserts.
First up was my Earl Grey Tea Layer Cake , which is one of the most popular recipes on the blog. Thank you! I know a lot of people were sceptical when I told them the flavour, but that cake won them over completely! 🙂
I paired that cake with orange cream cheese frosting, because I was afraid of having too much Earl Grey flavour if the frosting was the same. But, honestly, is there really something like too much Earl Grey? I don't think so. 😉
So now I owe you a recipe for Earl Grey frosting. And boy do I have a great one!
It all starts with a little magic thing called EARL GREY MILK. You know I adore my Flour/Ermine Buttercream frosting and I use it pretty much everywhere. It's so versatile and this recipe proves it!
Since the process begins with cooking a milk "pudding" using flour, sugar, salt and milk, I switched regular milk with Earl Grey one. That essentially means that I steeped some loose leaf Earl Grey tea in hot milk for approx. 20 minutes. I warn you though - you might fall in love with that gorgeous smell. 🙂
You are going to end up with a little less milk than the amount you started with, that's fine. Just top it with regular, full fat milk until you have the right amount.
Then follow the steps written in the recipe - cook the earl grey pudding (you'll want to eat it, but try to resist it haha), leave it to cool and stiffen and then mix with beaten butter. Easy peasy! But so delicious, you'll want to put it on EVERYTHING.
Peanut Butter & Chocolate Cupcakes with Salted Caramel Sauce
Perfect Vegan Red Velvet Cupcakes
Caramel Applesauce Cupcakes
If you make these addictive cupcakes, let me know by tagging me on Instagram @anasbakingchronicles or tell me all about it in the comments section down below - I love seeing your creations! If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask! Happy baking! 🙂
Big hugs,
Recipe in English:
📖 Recipe
Chocolate cupcakes with Earl Grey frosting
Chocolate Cupcakes
- 1 large egg (room temperature)
- 75 g vegetable oil (I used sunflower)
- 130 g full fat sour cream (room temperature)
- ½ teaspoon vanilla extract
- 115 g all-purpose flour
- 50 g dutch-processed cocoa powder
- 1 ½ teaspoon baking powder
- ⅓ teaspoon salt
- 150 g white granulated sugar
- 45 g brown cane sugar
- 75 g hot water
- zest of one orange
Earl Grey syrup
- 150 g hot water
- 150 g white sugar
- 10 g loose leaf earl grey tea
Earl Grey Milk
- 10 g loose leaf earl grey
- 250 g whole milk
Earl Grey Buttercream Frosting
- 30 g all-purpose flour
- 150 g granulated sugar
- 250 g earl grey milk
- ¼ teaspoon salt
- 225 g unsalted butter (room temperature)
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
for chocolate cupcakes
- Preheat your fan oven to 160°C (325°F) or 175°C (350°F) if you're not using a fan oven. Line your cupcake pan with paper cases. Depending on their size, this recipw will yield 12 to 14 cupcakes.
- In a medium bowl sift together flour, cocoa powder, baking powder and salt. Add sugars, whisk until combined and set aside.
- In a small bowl or a measuring jug, whisk together eggs, vegetable oil, sour cream and vanilla extract. These are your wet ingredients.
- In a small pot, bring your water to a boil or simmer, it's important that it's hot. Add the wet ingredients to dry ones, stir a little bit, it'll be somewhat dry. Then add the boiling water and whisk until combined. I usually add the water in two stages to minimize clumps forming.
- Divide the batter evenly among the paper cases, filling them ¾ of the way full. Bake for 18-22 minutes or until they're springy on the top. You can poke one with a toothpick - if it comes out with a few moist crumbs, they're done.
- When they're done, leave them in pan for 5-10 minutes to cool. Then transfer them to a wire rack to cool completely before frosting.
for earl grey milk:
- In a small pot, bring milk to a simmer. Add loose leaf earl grey tea, cover with a small plate and let it steep for 15-20 minutes. Once it's done, strain it to get rid of tea leaves and leave it to cool to room temperature before using. You're going to end up with a little bit less milk than you've started with. Just add regular whole milk to reach 250 g.
for earl grey syrup:
- Bring water to a boil, combine it with tea leaves and let it steep for 5 minutes. Once the tea is done, strain it a small saucepan and combine with sugar. Cook on a medium to high heat until it thickens a bit and form a syrup. Leave it to cool to room temperature before using. (You're not going to use all of it in a cake, but it's hard to make it with smaller quantities.)
for earl grey buttercream:
- In a small saucepan combine flour, sugar, salt and earl grey milk. Cook over medium-high heat, stirring constantly with a whisk until it thickens.
- Once it's done, transfer it to a clean bowl, put a cling film over it touching the surface to prevent "skin" forming and let it cool to room temperature. This is your pudding base. You can do this in a fridge, but before using it let it come to room temperature.
- Using a stand mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, beat the butter for 5 minutes until it's pale and fluffy. Then add spoonful by spoonful of previously made pudding. Mix until it's all nicely incorporated and with no lumps. Add vanilla extract and mix until everything is combined.
- Put the buttercream in a piping bag fitted with 2D tip (or whichever you prefer ? ) and frost the cupcakes. Drizzle them with earl grey syrup and sprinkle some chopped chocolate.They are best eaten at room temperature. You can keep them in an airtight container at room temperature for 2 days or longer in the fridge. Just let them come to room temperature before eating them. Fridge makes cakes and cupcakes drier so bear that in mind.
- You can use a hand mixer if you don't have a stand mixer.
- If you still don't own one, I advise you to buy a kitchen scale - they're cheap and easy to use, and always guarantee the same results in baking!
- Not all ovens are the same. I suggest to check the cupcakes at 18 minute mark and then adjust the baking time accordingly. Get to know your oven!
All the recipes are developed and tested using only metric measurements and a kitchen scale. The U.S. cup and spoon measurements are provided for your convenience, but I highly recommend getting a digital kitchen scale and measuring in metrics. It's easy and always guarantee the same results in baking!
The nutritional information and US conversions are calculated automatically. I cannot guarantee the accuracy of this data. If this is important to you, please verify with your favourite nutrition calculator and/or unit conversion tool.
Recipe in Croatian / Recept na hrvatskom:
📖 Recipe
Čokoladni cupcakes s Earl Grey kremom
Čokoladni cupcakesi:
- 1 (L) jaje (sobne temperature)
- 75 g ulja (ja sam koristila suncokretovo)
- 130 g punomasnog kiselog vrhnja (sobne temperature)
- ½ žličice ekstrakta vanilije
- 115 g glatkog brašna
- 50 g nezaslađenog kakao praha
- 1 ½ žličica praška za pecivo
- ⅓ žličice soli
- 150 g bijelog šećera
- 45 g smeđeg šećera
- 75 g vruće vode
- korica jedne naranče
Earl Grey sirup
- 150 g vruće vode
- 150 g šećera
- 10 g Earl Grey čaja (ja koristim Earl Grey Premium iz Harisse)
Earl Grey mlijeko
- 10 g Earl Grey čaja
- 250 g punomasnog mlijeka
Earl Grey krema
- 30 g glatkog brašna
- 150 g šećera
- 250 g earl grey mlijeka
- ¼ žličice soli
- 225 g omekšalog maslaca
- 1 žličica ekstrakta vanilije
za čokoladne cupcakese:
- Zagrijte ventilacijsku pećnicu na 160°C (175°C ako koristite klasičnu pećnicu s dva grijača). Stavite papirnate košarice u kalup za cupcakese/muffine. Ovisi o njihovoj veličini, smjese će biti dovoljno za 12 do 14 komada.
- U jednu zdjelu prosijte brašno i kakao, zajedno s praškom za pecivo i soli. Dodajte šećere i promiješajte pjenjačom. To su suhi sastojci.
- Pjenjačom pomiješajte kiselo vrhnje, ulje, jaje i ekstrakt vanilije. To su mokri sastojci.
- Pomiješajte suhe i mokre sastojke. Bit će malo gušća smjesa, to je u redu. Zatim, u dva navrata dodajte vruću vodu te izmiješajte sve dok ne dobijete glatku, ali ovog puta malo rjeđu smjesu.
- Napunite papirnate košarice do ¾ visine te pecite u zagrijanoj pećnici između 18-22 minute.
- Kad su gotovi, ostavite ih da se ohlade 5-10 minuta u kalupu. Zatim ih prebacite na rešetku da se ohlade do kraja prije ukrašavanja.
za earl grey mlijeko:
- U malom loncu ili džezvi zagrijte mlijeko do vrenja. Dodajte Earl Grey čaj, prekrijte malim tanjurićem i ostavite 15-20. Kad je vrijeme gotovo, procijedite mlijeko kako biste se riješili čaja i ostavite da se ohladi na sobnu temperaturu. Vjerojatno ćete završiti s manje mlijeka nego prije grijanja. To je u redu. Samo nadodajte običnog mlijeka koliko nedostaje da dosegnete 250 g.
za earl grey sirup:
- Za earl grey sirup najprije napravite čaj od vruće vode i listića čaja, a zatim ga pomiješajte sa šećerom u malom loncu. Kuhajte na srednje jakoj vatri dok se ne reducira i ne stvori se sirup. Ohladite na sobnu temperaturu prije korištenja.
za earl grey kremu:
- Od earl grey mlijeka, brašna, šećera i soli napravite puding, stalno miješajući pjenjačom na srednje jakoj vatri. Kad je gotovo, prebacite u čistu zdjelu ili tanjur i prekrijte prozirnom folijom tako da dotiče kremu jer ne želimo da nam se stvori “kožica”. Ostavite da se ohladi na sobnu temperaturu prije korištenja. Ovo možete napraviti i u frižideru kako biste ubrzali proces.
- Miksajte omekšali maslac 5 minuta dok ne posvijetli i ne postane pjenast. Kad ste postigli tu fazu, dodajte žlicu po žlicu pudinga koji ste prethodno napravili. Važno je dobro miksati između svakog dodavanja da se lakše sjedine. Na kraju dodajte ekstrakt vanilije te miksajte dok se sve ne sjedini.
- Pokrijte kremu folijom i ostavite na sobnoj temperaturi do slaganja torte jer će se inače dosta stisnuti u hladnjaku i neće biti maziva.
- Kremu stavite u slastičarsku vrećicu sa željenim nastavkom (ja sam koristila s Wilton 2D) pa ukrasite svaki cupcake. Prelijte s malo earl grey sirupa i pospite nasjeckanom čokoladom.
Čuvajte ih na sobnoj temperaturi jer su tako najukusniji i najmekši. Ako ih ipak budete držali u frižideru, pola sata prije konzumiranja izvadite ih na sobnu temperaturu.
- Ako nemate samostojeći mikser, možete koristiti i ručni.
- Ako je još nemate, svakako preporučam kupnju digitalne vage - mjerenje svega u gramima osigurava maksimalnu preciznost
- Svaka je pećnica drugačija. Savjetujem da provjerite cupcakese nakon što prođe 18 minuta i onda produžite po potrebi. Uvijek pečenje prilagodite sebi i svojoj pećnici 🙂
All the recipes are developed and tested using only metric measurements and a kitchen scale. The U.S. cup and spoon measurements are provided for your convenience, but I highly recommend getting a digital kitchen scale and measuring in metrics. It's easy and always guarantee the same results in baking!
The nutritional information and US conversions are calculated automatically. I cannot guarantee the accuracy of this data. If this is important to you, please verify with your favourite nutrition calculator and/or unit conversion tool.
Ima li na hrvatskom??
Draga Linda, evo upravo sam ispod recepta na engleskom dodala i recept na hrvatskom. Nadam se da ću s vremenom to napraviti za sve recepte! 🙂
lovely recipe! I wonder why you need the milk to cool down to room temp if you're just going to heat it right up again with the flour, sugar, and salt? Such a yummy way to get fluffy buttercream without a meringue style. And I just LOVE earl grey! Thanks!
Ana Zelić
Hi Allison,
Oh, that's a good catch. You don't, I just probably copied the instructions from my Earl Grey Cake where you need to let it cool. 🙈 I love this buttercream, especially earl grey flavoured - everyone loved it, but couldn't quite explain what it tastes like until I told them 🙂
It took me a little while to find the time to dedicate to 2 hour 30 minute cupcakes. When I did and finally ate the first cupcake, I found them delicious but wondered if was worth so much time.
The next day I ate a second cupcake. Oh. My. Goodness. I think they actually got better with a bit of rest time. I don’t have words for how much I enjoyed my second (and third 😅 cupcake). Thank you so much for sharing this unbelievably delicious recipe. They are totally worth every minute of prep. In fact I can see myself using leftover ingredients to do it all again tomorrow.
Ana Zelić
Dear Nicki,
thank you so much for finding the time to both make the cupcakes and write this review. It means the world!
I'm incredibly happy to hear how satisfied you were with the recipe! The chocolate sponge is so moist that it really stays great for days! 🙂
Sending big hugs,
Ana xx